
Asset stripping. What it is and examples
Criminal Law

Asset stripping. What it is and examples

It is never a good idea to hide or make your assets disappear in order to avoid paying a debt. The reason? You are committing the offence of concealment as...

20 June 2024
Asset stripping
Criminal Law

Asset stripping

A person who conceals or, alternatively, makes all or part of his assets disappear in order to prevent a creditor from collecting a debt owed to him is...

18 June 2024
What is the crime of harassment?
Criminal Law

What is the crime of harassment?

In recent years and nowadays, with the advent of technology, mobile phones, social networks, etc., there have been more and more cases of harassment, and it is...

17 June 2024
The one-third of free disposal in inheritance
Family Law

The one-third of free disposal in inheritance

The third of free disposition is that which a subject can dispose of at his free will at the time of making a will. By this we mean that it is totally...

15 June 2024
Restraining order When does it apply?

Restraining order When does it apply?

We are all used to hearing about restraining orders. It is a precautionary measure aimed at preventing the commission of a crime and is therefore extremely...

15 June 2024
divorce by mutual consent
Civil law Family Law

Divorce by mutual consent

Divorce by mutual consent, also known as amicable or consensual divorce, is a legal institution regulated in the Civil Code and in the Civil Procedure Act that...

15 June 2024
Express divorce
Family Law

Express divorce. Everything you need to know

The express divorce has become the formula most used by couples at the moment of breaking the marital union they had, regardless of whether or not children were...

15 June 2024
Worker subrogation or company subrogation
Labour Law

Worker subrogation or company subrogation

Labour subrogation is undoubtedly one of the issues that generates most uneasiness and doubts among workers. This is normal. After all, it means that the...

15 June 2024
Non-compliance with visiting arrangements
Family Law

Non-compliance with visiting arrangements

Non-compliance with visiting arrangements is the cause of a large number of lawsuits filed in Spanish courts. In fact, it is a fairly frequent problem and one...

12 June 2024
false documentation
Civil law

Offence of forgery of documents

The offence of forgery, due to its overtly technical nature, is not very well understood, at least not accurately, by most people. In order to fully understand...

12 June 2024
Repudiate or accept an inheritance
Family Law

Repudiate or accept an inheritance

All of us, at some point in our lives, have the right to inherit property. This may come from our parents, siblings or even from children or more distantly...

12 June 2024
How to divorce in Spain. Divorce proceedings
Family Law

How to divorce in Spain. Divorce proceedings

Divorce is the legal act aimed at dissolving the marital union between two people and allowing them to remarry whomever they wish. However, this term is also...

12 June 2024
How to file for divorce in Spain?
Family Law

How to file for divorce in Spain?

It is a very big step to be clear about when to start divorce proceedings, and there are many aspects to be taken into account. Many couples who start divorce...

10 June 2024
Fraud offence
Criminal Law

The offence of fraud in the criminal code

The crime of fraud, on many occasions, is quite difficult to determine due to its intrinsic characteristics and what is included in our Penal Code. However...

8 June 2024
Family Law

What is the inheritance of a deceased person?

The death of a person is a complicated situation in every sense of the word for those close to them. Beyond sentimental issues and personal ties with them...

7 June 2024
Corporate criminal liability
Criminal Law

Corporate criminal liability

Generally, when we think of criminal liability arising from the commission of crimes, we all think of it as being the property of natural persons. However...

6 June 2024
How inheritance is divided in Spain
Family Law

How inheritance is divided in Spain

The death of a loved one is an event that is always a sensitive and painful time for all family members. In addition, right after, it is time to settle the...

4 June 2024
How to renounce an inheritance?
Family Law

How to renounce an inheritance?

When a person dies, an inheritance is opened, understood as the transmission to the heirs of all the rights and obligations of the deceased. However, it is not...

3 June 2024
Expungement of criminal and police records
Civil law Criminal Law

Expungement of criminal and police records

Many people, at some point in their lives, have found themselves in a compromising situation that has led them to have a criminal or police record. This, as you...

2 June 2024
Forced heirs and Legitimacy
Family Law

Forced heirs and Legitimacy

In this article we explain who the forced heirs are and the relationship they have with the reserved portion as determined in article 806 of the Civil Code...

30 May 2024
Acceptance with benefit of inventory
Family Law

Acceptance with benefit of inventory

Acceptance with benefit of inventory is one of the concepts that raises the most doubts regarding the collection of inheritances. But what exactly is it and how...

20 May 2024
Public health offences. Defence and advice
Criminal Law

Public health offences. Defence and advice

Public health is a judicial asset that refers to the defence of collective well-being, i.e., of society as a whole. In fact, it is protected in Article 43.2 of...

14 May 2024
Consumers, their rights and obligations
Commercial law

Consumers, their rights and obligations

We are all habitual consumers. In fact, our whole life revolves around the consumption of products. The shopping basket, the Internet service provider, the...

11 May 2024
Leaving home
Family Law

Abandonment of home or family

Leaving home, when there is a marital relationship involved, is a very serious matter and entails a number of legal consequences. Since the subject is quite...

9 May 2024
Donation of money from parents to children
Family Law

Donation of money from parents to children

There are many reasons why it makes sense to make gifts from parents and children instead of waiting until death and the subsequent distribution of the...

8 May 2024
I have been fired from my job, what do I do?
Labour Law

I have been fired from my job, what do I do?

What to do when you are made redundant? This is undoubtedly a situation that no worker wants to live through, but that most have to face at some point in their...

6 May 2024
Notice of voluntary departure
Labour Law

Notice of voluntary departure

The voluntary notice of termination is a document that the worker must present when he/she wants to terminate the employment relationship with the company...

2 May 2024
example Appeal

Appeal. What it is, examples, time limit

El recurso de alzada, según la Ley 29/2015, es el medio de impugnación establecido para todos aquellos actos administrativos que no ponen fin a la vía...

28 April 2024
Difference between separation and divorce
Family Law

Difference between separation and divorce

According to the latest data provided by the CGPJ (General Council of the Judiciary), in 2020, 95,060 divorce, separation and annulment cases were processed in...

25 April 2024
Right of way
Civil law

Rights of way

Easements in law are an interesting but complex concept. For this reason, it is quite common for property owners to turn to specialised lawyers for advice on...

22 April 2024
disciplinary dismissal
Labour Law

Disciplinary dismissal for serious misconduct

Any employer, whenever one of his employees commits a series of faults stipulated as serious in the Workers' Statute, has the power to unilaterally terminate...

15 April 2024
What is the contentious administrative appeal
Law Firm

What is the contentious administrative appeal

Surely, on more than one occasion, you have heard or read that, in the face of a certain event, only an administrative appeal can be lodged. However, it is...

5 April 2024
divorce when one of the parties disagrees
Family Law

Divorce when one of the parties disagrees

One of the most common questions asked by law firms specialising in marital separations is whether one of the parties can divorce when the other does not want...

3 April 2024
Can a child be disinherited in Spain?
Family Law

Can a child be disinherited in Spain?

Family conflicts often give rise to very unpleasant situations. In fact, there are times when, as a result of them, many people wonder whether a child can be...

3 April 2024
Change of workplace Can I refuse a transfer?
Labour Law

Change of workplace Can I refuse a transfer?

Geographical mobility is a tricky issue under the Workers' Statute. Therefore, here we want to analyse it in depth, especially with the aim of explaining...

28 March 2024
Termination of a contract for non-performance
Civil law

Termination of a contract for non-performance

Is it possible to terminate a contract if one of the parties does not comply with the terms of the contract? The answer, according to the Civil Code and case...

27 March 2024
False denunciation
Criminal Law

What happens if I receive a false report

In recent months, due to the emergence of certain actors on the political scene and the priority that public institutions are giving to actions against gender...

26 March 2024
Delito de injurias y calumnias
Criminal Law

What are crimes against honour?

Surely, on television or in the press, you have heard on more than one occasion about crimes against people's honour. However, do you know what they are and...

26 March 2024
Speedy trial, what it is and how it works
Criminal Law

Speedy trial, what it is and how it works

In recent years, the term " speedy trial" has become very popular. So much so that, in some cases, it is not used properly. That is why here we will explain...

25 March 2024
anonymous complaint
Criminal Law

Is it possible to file an anonymous complaint?

Anonymously denouncing a person or even a company is perfectly legal, even if it is not always the most advisable thing to do. However, it is a question that...

22 March 2024
Damage offences: penalties, types, negligence
Criminal Law

Damage offences: penalties, types, negligence

Destroying or damaging another person's property, regardless of whether it is movable or immovable, is a criminal offence under the Criminal Code. Specifically...

16 March 2024
What is a collective agreement?
Labour Law

What is a collective agreement?

A collective agreement is an agreement between one or more employers' organisations and one or more trade union organisations that sets out the terms and...

12 March 2024
What are shares in companies?
Commercial law

What are shares in companies?

Shares are a term used in business and finance to refer to a form of ownership in a company. They are also known as shares or participation quotas and represent...

5 March 2024
What is cybercrime?
Criminal Law

What is cybercrime?

Computer-related crimes, also known as cybercrime or telematic crimes, are crimes committed using information and communication technologies (ICT) as a means of...

26 February 2024

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