Unfair competition, also known as unlawful competition, is one of the most complex issues in the field of commercial law. Because it can occur in an infinite...
Corporate and Company Law.
► Contracts of all types
► Statutory Modifications
► Incorporation of companies
► Merger, Spin-off of Companies
► Drafting of Minutes of Meetings, Boards of Directors, etc.
Who are we?
G.Elías y Muñoz Lawyers is a Law Firm specialized in Commercial Law, we have lawyers knowledgeable in the field and, therefore, we are able to look after your interests no matter what they are. In any matter in which you need a commercial lawyer, you can rest assured that you have come to the right place. Just leave it in the hands of our commercial lawyers and they will take care of everything necessary for you to win the lawsuit or defend your interests.
In many occasions, between a creditor and his debtor in Madrid many disputes arise that can only be solved by a lawyer specialized in Commercial Law. This is the reason why, if you find yourself in this situation, we encourage you to contact G. Elías y Muñoz Abogados. Please note that we are specialists in commercial contracts, companies and corporations, so we are amply prepared to advise you and defend your rights in any situation related to this issue. In addition, our specialists in Commercial Law in Madrid have extensive experience and a successful track record, which is the best guarantee we can offer.
But, in addition, these lawyers of Commercial Law in Madrid are able to help you solve any doubts you may have regarding the liability of the administrators of a company or of limited or anonymous companies. Undoubtedly, this is an issue that, in legal and commercial terms, generates many controversies, so it is always important to have the support and assistance of a lawyer specialized in contracts of this type. As if that were not enough, if you have been the victim of a dismissal for objective causes and you do not agree or you have received a claim from one of your workers in this regard, contact us as well. The advice of our lawyers in Madrid experts in Commercial Law will make everything much simpler.
The team of commercial law lawyers of G. Elías y Muñoz Abogados in Madrid has extensive experience in corporate and commercial law, we can help you in matters related to contracts of all kinds, claims, defaults and any legal problem related to your company in matters such as:
Our law firm specializing in the field of commercial law can be of great help in a multitude of situations. In fact, any conflict that your company may have with a supplier, a debtor or creditor or a client can be solved by us thanks to the services we offer. In this sense, we also specialize in everything related and specified by the law regarding the liability of the administrators of companies, as well as in the dismissal for objective causes that are claimed by the worker.
Our Law Firm provides services with Commercial Law Attorneys in Madrid and the Community of Madrid and we also act throughout Spain.
Our specialized lawyers will be able to advise and help you in any matter related to Commercial Law.
For a correct advice we have a central office in Madrid, as well as delegations in Pozuelo de Alarcón, Majadahonda and Villalba.
You should call us whenever you need our services, but you have to keep in mind that in Commercial Law there are very short expiration and prescription periods.
Therefore, do not delay your consultation and call us.
The best way is to call us at the following telephone numbers:
915 71 17 87 and 620 151 515.
Or if you wish send us an email to info@eliasymunozabogados.com
Undoubtedly, the extensive experience of our lawyers specialized in Commercial Law is our main guarantee. Thanks to it, we are sure to be your best option when it comes to purge the responsibility of the administrators of companies and companies, to solve everything concerning a dismissal for objective causes or to carry out a commercial mediation that preserves your rights. Contact our lawyers in Madrid, tell them your problem and we will study your case to give you a solution.
We will give you an appointment in less than 24 hours. This is a guarantee that only our commercial law firm in Madrid can offer you. In addition, once you are attended by one of them, they will not need more than 72 hours to give you the answer you are looking for in case you cannot get it in the face-to-face appointment. From there on, these lawyers in Commercial Law Madrid will proceed to outline a strategy by which to defend your interests in any trial or litigation.
Keep in mind that you will always be part of the process and, based on our advice, you will be responsible for making the most important decisions.
Our services are always remunerated. For this reason, we can establish a fixed fee that will remunerate our work and a variable percentage that will depend on the procedural moment in which the amount is obtained.
In certain cases we can accept to fix the fees based on a percentage of the amount obtained.
Our Law Firm has specialized Commercial Lawyers in Madrid and Community of Madrid that will be able to advise and help you in any matter related to Commercial Law.
Call us and make an appointment in our offices in Madrid, Pozuelo; Villalba or Majadahonda where our Commercial Lawyers will attend you.
Unfair competition, also known as unlawful competition, is one of the most complex issues in the field of commercial law. Because it can occur in an infinite...
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