Inheritance and wills lawyers in Madrid
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► Do you need to process an inheritance?
► Has a close relative passed away?
► Inheritance lawyers in Madrid with more than 25 years of experience.
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Experts in inheritance, wills, successions and inheritance issues Law Firm
Law Firm
In our Law Firm we are specialists in advising on Inheritance and Wills. Our lawyers belonging to the Madrid Bar Association are highly specialized in inheritance and inheritance law. We have extensive experience related to inheritance problems and the trials derived from them.
Our Lawyers with more than 25 years of experience will be able to help you in any question related to your inheritance.
Nuestros Abogados de Herencias son PERITOS CONTADORES JUDICIALES
Nuestro equipo de abogados de sucesiones y donaciones, a cargo de Doña Rus Maria Muñoz Gómez, perteneciente al Colegio de abogados de Madrid, actúa como perito contador judicial en múltiples procedimientos judiciales relacionados con herencias, lo que permite que nuestro asesoramiento como abogados de herencias y en reparto de las mismas sea de una de los más valorados en Madrid. Tenemos gran experiencia y conocimientos muy extensos en todas las cuestiones relacionadas con Derecho de sucesiones y herencias.
¿Qué es el derecho de sucesiones?
El derecho de sucesiones es una rama del derecho civil que se ocupa principalmente de regular la transmisión de los derechos y obligaciones de una persona fallecida a sus herederos y legatarios manifestada a través de testamento o pacto sucesorio, existiendo normas para el caso de que sucesión intestada.
Trata de las normas jurídicas que determinan cómo se distribuyen los bienes y derechos de una persona después de su muerte.
Los principales elementos que aborda el derecho de sucesiones son:
- Herencia: La herencia es el conjunto de bienes, derechos y obligaciones que pertenecían a una persona fallecida y que se transmiten a sus herederos.
- Herederos: Son las personas que tienen derecho a recibir la herencia. Pueden ser herederos legítimos (como los hijos) o testamentarios (designados en un testamento).
- Legatarios: Son aquellas personas que reciben bienes o derechos específicos que el fallecido les ha dejado expresamente en un testamento.
- Testamento: Es un documento legal en el que una persona expresa su voluntad sobre cómo deben distribuirse sus bienes después de su muerte.
- Sucesión intestada: Cuando una persona fallece sin dejar un testamento, la ley establece reglas para la distribución de la herencia, designando a los herederos de acuerdo con un orden de prioridad.
Who are Heirs?
When determining who may or may not be an heir, a series of premises must be taken into account. The one who does not have forced heirs can dispose by will of all his goods or part of them in favor of any person who has the capacity to acquire them.
However, he who has forced heirs can only dispose of his property in the manner and with the limitations established by law.
What is the legitima?
The legitimate is the portion of property that the testator cannot dispose of because the law has reserved it to certain heirs, called forced heirs.
Who are forced heirs?
They are forced heirs:
- The children and descendants with respect to their parents and ascendants.
In the absence of the above, the parents and ascendants with respect to their children and descendants.
- The widow or widower.
The legitimate of the children and descendants is constituted by two thirds of the inheritance of the father and mother. However, they will be able to dispose of a part of the two that form the legitimate, to apply it as improvement to their children or descendants.
The remaining third part will be of free disposition.
The spouse who at the death of his/her spouse has not separated from him/her judicially or de facto, if he/she concurs to the inheritance with children or descendants, will have the right to the usufruct of the third destined to improvement.
What taxes will I pay and what taxation is involved in an inheritance?
The fundamental taxes that must be paid in the inheritance proceedings are :
i) The Inheritance and Donations Tax.
ii) The tax on the increase in value of Urban Land, also known as Municipal Capital Gains Tax (Plusvalia Municipal), which is a municipal tax.
Depending on the Autonomous Community in which the deceased resides, one tax rate or another must be paid. In the case of the Community of Madrid there is a 99% exemption.
The Municipal Capital Gains Tax should be studied before payment in view of recent rulings.
It is important to know the taxation in the processing of inheritances.
Please note
- When the deceased has not made a will it will be necessary to make a declaration of heirs.
- The declaration of heirs is a document granted before the Notary in which it is established who the heirs are. The appointment of the heirs is made in this document in the will.
- The probate comprises all the operations, procedures and necessary advice from the death of the deceased until the distribution and adjudication of assets.
- The partitional notebook is the notarial document in which the heirs formalize the acceptance of the inheritance.
- In the distribution of family inheritances it is important to have a lawyer specialized in inheritances.
- If you have to claim your inheritance or process your inheritance it is important to receive the advice of legal professionals knowledgeable in the matter.
- Advice in inheritance proceedings is essential throughout the process.
Do you want more information with no obligation?
There are several causes for which an inheritance partition can be challenged, that is, when there is a detriment to any of the heirs that involves a difference of more than 25% of the value of the assets awarded to said heir and those awarded to the rest.
The partition made by the testator in his will can only be challenged by injury when the legitimate rights of the forced heirs have been harmed or when it can be deduced that the will of the testator was different from the one stated in the will.
The partition may be challenged within 4 years from the date of the partition by initiating the judicial proceedings established for this purpose.
The heir who intends to rescind the partition made due to the damage or injury caused to him/her, has 4 years and must do so through the corresponding judicial proceeding.
What is a will?
Anyone who is not expressly prohibited by law from making a will may make a will. Minors under fourteen years of age of either sex and those who are not of sound mind are incapacitated to make a will. A will is the act by which a person disposes of all or part of his property after his death.
Apart from these wills, there are others of a special nature, such as those granted in danger of death, military wills, maritime wills and those made in a foreign country.
In all wills, the testator expresses his last will by disposing of all his assets and rights after his death. As for the disposition of assets and rights, this can be done in two ways:
- Ológrafos: is that written in the testator's own handwriting, complying with the requirements contained in Article 688 of the Civil Code. In order to be effective, it must be notarized before a Notary Public.
- Open: the testator expresses his last will in the presence of the persons who must authorize the act, being aware of what is provided therein.
- Closed: the testator, without revealing his last will, declares that it is contained in the document he presents to the persons who must authorize the act.
- By universal title (instituting heirs): this implies leaving to one person all or part of the estate of the deceased. Whoever is named heir succeeds, taking the place of the deceased, which also entails any debts that may exist.
- In particular title (forming legacies): the legatee succeeds only in a specific asset or right, so that he/she acquires it and is not obliged to respond to the debts of the deceased with his/her own patrimony.
¿ Puedo impugnar el testamento?
Sí ,nuestro Codigo civil permite la impugnación del testamento en determinados casos basados fundamentalmente en :
- Falta de capacidad mental: Si la persona que hizo el testamento no estaba mentalmente competente al momento de hacerlo, el testamento podría ser impugnado. Esto podría deberse a problemas como demencia, enfermedad mental o intoxicación.
- Coacción o presión: Si se puede demostrar que el testador fue presionado o coaccionado para hacer el testamento, este podría ser considerado inválido. Es importante que el testamento refleje realmente los deseos del fallecido y no sea el resultado de influencias externas indebidas.
- Fraude: Si se puede demostrar que el testamento fue el resultado de fraude, como la manipulación de la firma o la presentación de información falsa, se podría impugnar.
- Error: Si hay errores en la redacción del testamento que afectan su validez o interpretación, podría ser motivo para impugnarlo.
- Revocación: Si el testador revoca expresamente el testamento posteriormente y se puede demostrar esta revocación, el testamento anterior podría ser impugnado.
- Desconocimiento del contenido: Si el testador no entendía completamente el contenido del testamento al momento de firmarlo, podría haber bases para impugnarlo.
inheritances and wills
Judicial Proceedings
Our lawyers with extensive experience in legal proceedings will be able to offer you our professional services in all those procedures that require our intervention.
Specifically, we will represent and defend you in legal proceedings such as:
Claims for payment
Civil Jurisdiction: Ordinary Lawsuits, Exchange Judgments, Summary Judgments, Summary Judgments, Summary Judgments, Summary Judgments, Summary Judgments, Summary Judgments, Summary Judgments, Summary Judgments.
Criminal Jurisdiction: Abbreviated Proceedings, Summary Proceedings, Fast Track Proceedings, Misdemeanor Proceedings.
Labor Jurisdiction: Dismissal, Ordinary, Rights
Contentious-Administrative Proceedings:
Ordinary, Abbreviated, Proceedings for dismissal, quantity claims and salaries.
Administrative Jurisdiction: Administrative Appeals, Preliminary Claims.
At G. Elías y Muñoz Abogados, we have specialists dedicated exclusively to the practice of Family Law who will provide you with complete advice on everything related to this matter, informing you of all the rights and obligations that correspond to you and advising you on the most appropriate way to proceed in each case.
You can make an appointment at any of our offices in Madrid, Majadahonda or Pozuelo de Alarcón or if you prefer, talk by telephone with one of our lawyers specialized in Family Law at the telephone number 91.571.17.87 from 9 to 14 and from 16 to 20, which will guide you on the steps to follow in your particular case.
Our Lawyers specialized in Family Law, with extensive experience in Inheritance and Wills, will be able to offer you our professional services in all those questions related to Inheritance and Wills.
If you wish, in addition to being attended in our Law Firm in Madrid, we offer you the possibility that our Lawyers attend you in our offices in Pozuelo de Alarcón and Majadahonda.
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