Launch of the new corporate website

Launch of the new corporate website
Published on: 7 January 2014

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G. Elias y Muñoz Abogados launches its new website

The Madrid law firm G. Elias y Muñoz Abogados has recently launched its new corporate website.

This law firm, located in Madrid, which provides services to both individuals and companies, and which has always been characterised by its interest in new technologies, has launched this new website, which includes some very innovative applications in the legal world.

Thus, it has included an application that in a comfortable, effective and easy way allows you to calculate the compensation to which any person would be entitled in case of dismissal. The application also allows different simulations to be made depending on the number of days' compensation.

Another application has also been included which, depending on the income of the parents and the number of children, allows the calculation of the alimony that the non-custodial parent will have to pay in the event of a break-up or divorce.

It also includes a practical legal dictionary, the calculation of the CPI update, free legal forms and the calculation of interest.

The website has tried to provide an approach to the main areas of practice of this law firm, such as family law, labour law, criminal law, civil law, commercial law and many others. In each of these areas, a study has been carried out of the matters of most practical interest to the clients of this prestigious law firm.

Likewise, a presentation of the specialities of the lawyers that make up this law firm, such as criminal, family, labour, business and civil law, has also been made.

As it could not be otherwise, we have included a virtual tour, a video presentation and the photo and curriculum vitae of the members of the firm.

We believe that this website will help all the clients of this great Law Firm to have an opinion of it as well as to know about legal matters that may be of interest.

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