Civil law

divorce by mutual consent
Civil law Family Law

Divorce by mutual consent

Divorce by mutual consent, also known as amicable or consensual divorce, is a legal institution regulated in the Civil Code and in the Civil Procedure Act that...

15 June 2024
false documentation
Civil law

Offence of forgery of documents

The offence of forgery, due to its overtly technical nature, is not very well understood, at least not accurately, by most people. In order to fully understand...

12 June 2024
Expungement of criminal and police records
Civil law Criminal Law

Expungement of criminal and police records

Many people, at some point in their lives, have found themselves in a compromising situation that has led them to have a criminal or police record. This, as you...

2 June 2024
Right of way
Civil law

Rights of way

Easements in law are an interesting but complex concept. For this reason, it is quite common for property owners to turn to specialised lawyers for advice on...

22 April 2024
Termination of a contract for non-performance
Civil law

Termination of a contract for non-performance

Is it possible to terminate a contract if one of the parties does not comply with the terms of the contract? The answer, according to the Civil Code and case...

27 March 2024
What is copyright?
Civil law

What is copyright?

Copyright is a set of exclusive rights that protect literary, artistic, scientific and other original works of human creativity. These rights are granted to...

24 January 2024
Segregation of land, what is it?
Civil law

Segregation of land, what is it?

Farm segregation is the process of dividing a property into two or more separate parcels or lots. This is usually done to create smaller parcels that can be...

19 December 2023
What is the cadastre?
Civil law

What is the cadastre?

The cadastre is a public and official register that collects information on real estate (land, buildings, facilities, etc.) located in a given territory. The...

11 December 2023
what is loss of profit?
Civil law

What is loss of profit?

Loss of profit refers to the loss of earnings or profits that a person or business loses due to a particular situation. It is generally used in the legal or...

14 November 2023
What is an urban planning certificate?
Civil law

What is an urban planning certificate?

An urban planning certificate is a document that contains relevant information about a specific area or piece of land in terms of its urban use and development...

7 November 2023
What is the crime of misappropriation?
Civil law

What is the crime of misappropriation?

Misappropriation is an offence under the Penal Code that is subject to heavy penalties. However, it is one of the most controversial crimes because it is...

2 November 2023
What is a precarious tenancy?
Civil law

What is a precarious tenancy?

A tenancy in precarious tenancy is a rental contract in which the tenant, i.e. the person occupying the property, does not have a legally binding contract with...

3 October 2023

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