Criminal Law

Asset stripping. What it is and examples
Criminal Law

Asset stripping. What it is and examples

It is never a good idea to hide or make your assets disappear in order to avoid paying a debt. The reason? You are committing the offence of concealment as...

20 June 2024
Asset stripping
Criminal Law

Asset stripping

A person who conceals or, alternatively, makes all or part of his assets disappear in order to prevent a creditor from collecting a debt owed to him is...

18 June 2024
What is the crime of harassment?
Criminal Law

What is the crime of harassment?

In recent years and nowadays, with the advent of technology, mobile phones, social networks, etc., there have been more and more cases of harassment, and it is...

17 June 2024
Restraining order When does it apply?

Restraining order When does it apply?

We are all used to hearing about restraining orders. It is a precautionary measure aimed at preventing the commission of a crime and is therefore extremely...

15 June 2024
Fraud offence
Criminal Law

The offence of fraud in the criminal code

The crime of fraud, on many occasions, is quite difficult to determine due to its intrinsic characteristics and what is included in our Penal Code. However...

8 June 2024
Corporate criminal liability
Criminal Law

Corporate criminal liability

Generally, when we think of criminal liability arising from the commission of crimes, we all think of it as being the property of natural persons. However...

6 June 2024
Expungement of criminal and police records
Civil law Criminal Law

Expungement of criminal and police records

Many people, at some point in their lives, have found themselves in a compromising situation that has led them to have a criminal or police record. This, as you...

2 June 2024
Public health offences. Defence and advice
Criminal Law

Public health offences. Defence and advice

Public health is a judicial asset that refers to the defence of collective well-being, i.e., of society as a whole. In fact, it is protected in Article 43.2 of...

14 May 2024
False denunciation
Criminal Law

What happens if I receive a false report

In recent months, due to the emergence of certain actors on the political scene and the priority that public institutions are giving to actions against gender...

26 March 2024
Delito de injurias y calumnias
Criminal Law

What are crimes against honour?

Surely, on television or in the press, you have heard on more than one occasion about crimes against people's honour. However, do you know what they are and...

26 March 2024
Speedy trial, what it is and how it works
Criminal Law

Speedy trial, what it is and how it works

In recent years, the term " speedy trial" has become very popular. So much so that, in some cases, it is not used properly. That is why here we will explain...

25 March 2024

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