Frequently asked questions

How to file for divorce in Spain?
Family Law

How to file for divorce in Spain?

It is a very big step to be clear about when to start divorce proceedings, and there are many aspects to be taken into account. Many couples who start divorce...

10 June 2024
How to renounce an inheritance?
Family Law

How to renounce an inheritance?

When a person dies, an inheritance is opened, understood as the transmission to the heirs of all the rights and obligations of the deceased. However, it is not...

3 June 2024
example Appeal

Appeal. What it is, examples, time limit

El recurso de alzada, según la Ley 29/2015, es el medio de impugnación establecido para todos aquellos actos administrativos que no ponen fin a la vía...

28 April 2024
anonymous complaint
Criminal Law

Is it possible to file an anonymous complaint?

Anonymously denouncing a person or even a company is perfectly legal, even if it is not always the most advisable thing to do. However, it is a question that...

22 March 2024
Divorce types of divorce process

Divorce, types of divorce and process

Divorce is one of the judicial processes most frequently requested by Spaniards. For this reason, we would like to dedicate this article to talk about it...

12 February 2024
What is administrative silence?

What is administrative silence?

Administrative silence is the lack of response from the public administration to an application, appeal or request submitted by a citizen or entity. In other...

27 December 2023
What is a trust?
Family Law

What is a trust?

A trust is a legal and financial arrangement in which one person or entity (the settlor) transfers control and ownership of certain property or assets to...

31 October 2023
Accidents at work in Spain. Claim compensation
Labour Law

Accidents at work in Spain. Claim compensation

From a legal point of view, we must define what is meant by an accident at work. Our legislation determines that "an accident at work is any bodily injury that...

18 September 2023

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