Consequences of insolvency proceedings

  • 1. A declaration of insolvency proceedings shall be made in the event of the insolvency of the common debtor.
  • 2. A debtor is in a state of insolvency if he is unable to meet his due obligations on a regular basis.
  • 3. If the application for a declaration of insolvency is made by the debtor, he must provide evidence of his indebtedness and of his state of insolvency, which may be actual or imminent. A debtor is in a state of imminent insolvency if he foresees that he will not be able to meet his obligations regularly and on time..
  • 4. If the application for a declaration of bankruptcy is made by a creditor, it must be based on a title for which execution or seizure has been ordered without the seizure resulting in sufficient free assets for payment, or on the existence of any of the following facts:
    1. The general suspension in the current payment of the debtor's obligations.
    2. The existence of liens due to pending executions that affect the debtor's assets in general.
    3. The hasty or ruinous liquidation of the debtor's assets by the debtor.
    4. The generalised non-fulfilment of any of the following types of obligations: payment of tax obligations due during the three months prior to the application for insolvency proceedings; payment of Social Security contributions and other jointly collected items during the same period; payment of salaries and indemnities and other remuneration arising from employment relationships corresponding to the last three monthly payments.
consequences of insolvency proceeding

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